Look Deeper Into the System Modules We Have Built to Help Our Clients

MFX Manufacturing Execution System (MES) Components


Feedback Management Module


FMM provides transparency into external and internal feedback regarding finished product. Its greatest value is in tracking customer complaints and praises that align with specific operations behaviors. Collect "Voice of the Customer" data, perform rigorous trend analysis and find Continuous Improvement opportunities.

Integration of Customer Feedback into the manufacturing process is something that many manufacturers don’t possess these days but only wish they did. The offering of this module is our distinct source of competitive advantage because it speeds up quality improvement drastically. We have allowed our customers to capture both internal and external positive and negative feedback regarding product or process and associate it with different concepts relevant to the daily operations such as Product, Order, Lot, etc. We provide easy-to-understand workflow of approvals and handoffs that makes progress tracking and reporting simple and easy. This module allows you to send status updates to the customer and to internal staff. Once it is deployed and in use, you no longer have repeat offenses at your plant, which normally result from poor communication and issue management. When ideas for improvement are readily available to all personnel, they become actionable much faster and the payback period for the investment into our system becomes much shorter.

Top 3 Features

  • Customer Feedback and internal feedback is associated with specific orders and/or departments.
  • FMM offers multiple ways of associating feedback with operational activities.
  • FMM workflow triggers notification events, which can notify customers automatically when complaints are reviewed and addressed.

Additional Highlights

  • FMM provides internal discussion board mechanism for each feedback record.
  • FMM enables short-term and long-term cost of resolution tracking.
  • FMM provides capabilities to categorize feedback in multiple ways for more meaningful trend analysis.
  • FMM is integrated with Shipping Schedule Module. Feedback records can be viewed from order-specific screens.
  • FMM is integrated with Dashboards module, so management can analyze feedback trends using easy-to-understand dashboards.

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We build our solutions to improve business processes in order to free up time for people to do things that really matter, that create value and that keep “fun” in the equation.

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